Hosted Experience
There may be times when you want even more fine tuned control of your client application, and to synchronise your website with the state of the digital human. For this, we provide message events from the digital human application that may be consumed by your web client. To do this, you may listen to window event UneeqMessage.
The below code example demonstrates how you can listen for messages, and in this case update the class list of the body element when the session becomes live. There are many more message events you may want to listen for, these are listed below.
The complete list of messages you may listen for are defined below:
- Notification
- SessionStateUpdate
- CallToActionDismissed
- FrameReady
- MicPermissionDenied
- CustomMetadataUpdated
- SessionLive
- SessionEnded
- AvatarUnavailable
- AvatarAnswerContent
- PromptRequest
- PromptResult
- DeviceError
- ServiceUnavailable
- SessionError
- Instructions
- RecordingStarted
- RecordingStopped
- UserStartedSpeaking
- UserStoppedSpeaking
- DigitalHumanPlayedInMutedModeSuccess
- DigitalHumanUnmuted
- EnableMicrophoneUpdated
- SpeechTranscription
- VadInterruptionAllowed
- SessionReconnecting
- AvatarStoppedSpeaking
- AvatarStartedSpeaking
- VadInterruptionAllowed
- SessionReconnecting
- SessionDisconnected
- SpeechEvent
- WaitingInQueue