Migration Guide
Here's a migration guide to help transition from our legacy platform to Platform 2.0. The guide includes a comparison table of configuration options, methods and events:
Here's a migration guide for configuration options between legacy platform and Platform 2.0:
Legacy Option | Platform 2.0 Equivalent | Details |
personaShareId | personaId | Unique identifier for the digital human. |
layoutMode | layoutMode | Unchanged. Supports "overlay", "fullScreen", "contained". |
showUserInputInterface | showUserInputInterface | Unchanged. Interface for user inputs is optional and configurable. |
displayCallToAction | displayCallToAction | Unchanged. Determines if the call to action is shown. |
ctaThumbnailUrl | ctaThumbnailUrl | Unchanged. URL for call-to-action thumbnail image. |
cameraPosition | cameraAnchorPosition | Positions updated to include "left", "right", "center", "close_up", "loose_close_up", "tight_medium_shot", "medium_shot", "medium_full_shot", "full_shot". |
renderContent | renderContent | Unchanged. Controls whether HTML content is rendered inside hosted experience. |
enableMicrophone | enableMicrophone | Unchanged. Toggles microphone access at session start. |
showClosedCaptions | showClosedCaptions | Unchanged. Indicates if closed captions are displayed. |
autoStart | autoStart | Unchanged. Automatically starts the session on page load. |
enableVad | enableVad | Unchanged. Enables voice activity detection to start/stop recordings automatically. |
enableInterruptBySpeech | - | Not directly available in Platform 2.0. |
connectionUrl | connectionUrl | Unchanged. URL for the connection endpoint. |
customStyles | customStyles | Unchanged. Custom CSS for styling the digital human frame. |
languageStrings | languageStrings | Unchanged. Customize interface text in different languages. |
speechToTextLocales | speechRecognitionLocales | Specifies locales for speech recognition. |
speechRecognitionHintPhrases | speechRecognitionHintPhrases | Unchanged. List of hint phrases to improve speech recognition accuracy. |
speechRecognitionHintPhrasesBoost | speechRecognitionHintPhrasesBoost | Unchanged. Boost factor for hint phrase detection accuracy. |
callToActionText | languageStrings.callToActionText | Customize call to action message. |
textInputPlaceholder | languageStrings.textInputPlaceholder | Customize placeholder text for user input field. |
logLevel | logLevel | Configurable logging levels: "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace" |
The primary difference in method usage in Platform 2.0 is that you will no longer call methods on the window object (e.g. window.uneeqAsk or uneeqAsk). Instead in Platform 2.0 you will create an instead of the Uneeq class and interact with that instance by calling methods on it.
Here's a migration guide for methods between legacy platform and Platform 2.0:
Legacy Method | Platform 2.0 Equivalent | Details |
uneeqAsk | chatPrompt | Renamed. |
uneeqSetLayoutMode | setLayoutMode | Renamed. |
uneeqSetShowClosedCaptions | setShowClosedCaptions | Renamed. |
uneeqStartSession | startSession | Renamed. |
uneeqEnableMicrophone | enableMicrophone | Renamed. |
uneeqSetCallToActionText | - | Not available in Platform 2.0. |
uneeqOpenStartSessionPopup | - | Not available in Platform 2.0. |
uneeqEndSession | endSession | Renamed. |
uneeqStartRecording | - | Not available in Platform 2.0, instead use resumeSpeechRecognition |
uneeqStopRecording | - | Not available in Platform 2.0, instead use pauseSpeechRecogn |
uneeqPauseSpeechRecognition | pauseSpeechRecognition | Renamed. |
uneeqResumeSpeechRecognition | resumeSpeechRecognition | Renamed. |
uneeqSetShowUserInputInterface | setShowUserInputInterface | Renamed. |
uneeqStopSpeaking | stopSpeaking | Renamed. |
uneeqUnmuteDigitalHuman | unmuteDigitalHuman | Renamed. |
uneeqUpdateDisplayContent | updateDisplayContent | Renamed. |
uneeqSetCustomChatMetadata | setCustomChatMetadata | Renamed. |
This table provides a comparison of available methods and highlights those unchanged in the new platform.
Here's a migration guide for event handling between legacy platform and Platform 2.0.
Legacy Event | Platform 2.0 Equivalent | Details |
ReadyToStart | FrameReady | Indicates the application has loaded. |
SessionStateUpdate | SessionStateUpdate | Unchanged. Updates session state. |
LayoutModeUpdate | - | Not directly available in Platform 2.0. |
SessionId | - | Not directly available in Platform 2.0. |
AvatarAvailable | - | Not directly available in Platform 2.0. |
AvatarUnavailable | AvatarUnavailable | Unchanged. Digital human availability. |
AvatarQuestionText | - | Not available in Platform 2.0; use PromptResult. |
AvatarAnswer | - | Not available in Platform 2.0; use PromptResult. |
AvatarAnswerContent | AvatarAnswerContent | Unchanged. |
CustomData | CustomData | Unchanged. |
StartedSpeaking | AvatarStartedSpeaking | Renamed. |
FinishedSpeaking | AvatarStoppedSpeaking | Renamed. |
DeviceEnabled | - | Not directly available in Platform 2.0. |
RecordingStarted | RecordingStarted | Unchanged. |
RecordingStopped | RecordingStopped | Unchanged. |
DigitalHumanPlayedInMutedModeSuccess | DigitalHumanPlayedInMutedModeSuccess | Unchanged. |
DigitalHumanUnmuted | DigitalHumanUnmuted | Unchanged. |
DigitalHumanVideoError | DeviceError | Renamed. |
DigitalHumanFailedToPlay | - | Not directly available in Platform 2.0. |
ServiceUnavailable | ServiceUnavailable | Unchanged. |
SpeechTranscription | SpeechTranscription | Unchanged. |
CustomMetadataUpdated | CustomMetadataUpdated | Unchanged. |
CallToActionDismissed | CallToActionDismissed | Unchanged. |
DevicePermissionAllowed | EnableMicrophoneUpdated | Updated with additional functionality. |
AvatarTextInputFinished | - | Deprecated. |
Instructions | Instructions | Deprecated, still available with changes. |
UserStartedSpeaking | UserStartedSpeaking | New in Platform 2.0. |
UserStoppedSpeaking | UserStoppedSpeaking | New in Platform 2.0. |
SessionLive | SessionLive | Unchanged. |
SessionEnded | SessionEnded | Unchanged. |
PromptResult | PromptResult | New in Platform 2.0, replaces some legacy events. |
SessionError | SessionError | New error handling in Platform 2.0. |
VadInterruptionAllowed | VadInterruptionAllowed | Controls VAD interruptions. |
SessionReconnecting | SessionReconnecting | Handles session reconnections. |
SessionDisconnected | SessionDisconnected | New in Platform 2.0. |
This table provides a comparison of events and highlights those unchanged or newly introduced in the new platform.